S-Oil celebrates Chuseok with charity event

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S-Oil celebrates Chuseok with charity event

Refiner S-Oil CEO Anwar A. Al-Hejazi holds a songpyeon (traditional half-moon-shaped rice cake) with a child at the company's charity event.[S-OIL]

Refiner S-Oil CEO Anwar A. Al-Hejazi holds a songpyeon (traditional half-moon-shaped rice cake) with a child at the company's charity event.[S-OIL]

Refiner S-Oil CEO Anwar A. Al-Hejazi holds a songpyeon (traditional half-moon-shaped rice cake) with a child at the company's charity event. The company has been sharing songpyeon as part of its charity efforts on every Chuseok since 2007.
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