All but two emergency medical facilities to operate over Chuseok

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All but two emergency medical facilities to operate over Chuseok

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A patient is transported to an emergency medical center in Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

A patient is transported to an emergency medical center in Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

A total of 407 emergency medical facilities nationwide will operate as usual during the Chuseok holiday, except for two hospitals, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said on Friday.
Of the country’s 409 emergency medical facilities, 407 will provide health services 24 hours a day during the holiday period — between Saturday and Wednesday.
Emergency rooms at Konkuk University Chungju Hospital in North Chungcheong and Myoungju Hospital in Yongin in Gyeonggi will remain closed over Chuseok.
In response to the service suspension at Konkuk University Chungju Hospital, the ministry said nearby Chungju Medical Center will cover the health service void and treat urgent patients in the North Chungcheong region.
The ministry advised people to visit local clinics or small- and mid-sized hospitals’ emergency rooms if patients have light symptoms.
During a briefing, Jung Yoon-soon, a ministry official, assured people that “patients could be swiftly referred to tertiary hospitals’ emergency rooms if emergency physicians at local emergency rooms assess patients’ symptoms are critical or severe.”
Jung also noted that no surcharge would be applied to patients’ medical bills in the case of critical patients.
Earlier this week, the government said it would impose extra financial costs on patients with light symptoms who visit tertiary hospitals’ emergency rooms and centers. The measure aims to alleviate overcrowding at emergency centers and help doctors focus on treating critical patients.

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