Chuseok holiday leaves behind styrofoam mountains

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Chuseok holiday leaves behind styrofoam mountains

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. 
Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call "excessive gift-wrapping."   
Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call "excessive gift-wrapping." [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call "excessive gift-wrapping." [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call "excessive gift-wrapping." [NEWS1]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call "excessive gift-wrapping." [NEWS1]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

Officials at the public recycling center in Idong-eup, Cheoin District, Yongin in Gyeonggi, are working on sorting styrofoam on Wednesday, the last day of the Chuseok holiday. Holidays leave mountains of styrofoam packaging due to what environmentalists call ″excessive gift-wrapping.″ [YONHAP]

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