Jay Park to release R&B album 'The One You Wanted' on Oct. 8

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Jay Park to release R&B album 'The One You Wanted' on Oct. 8

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Jay Park speaks about his upcoming album ″The One You Wanted″ in a YouTube video posted to his channel on Thursday. [MORE VISION]

Jay Park speaks about his upcoming album ″The One You Wanted″ in a YouTube video posted to his channel on Thursday. [MORE VISION]

Jay Park is releasing his sixth full-length album, “The One You Wanted,” on Oct. 8. 
The singer and rapper’s agency, More Vision, posted a five-minute prologue video to his social media channels on Thursday.

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In the video, presented in an interview format, Park explains the creation process in his studio and notes that it is the first time in eight years that he is releasing an R&B album, since “Everything You Wanted” (2016). It’s also his first full-length album in five years since “The Road Less Traveled” (2019).  
“I think it’s a very meaningful album for me, for More Vision and the Korean music industry,” he said.  
Hip-hop artists like Ty Dolla $ign, YG and P-Lo, as well as a female trainee under More Vision named ISOL, will be featured on the album.
Online preorders for “The One You Wanted” began Friday.   
To learn more about Jay Park, visit Celeb Confirmed!

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]
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