'Queen of Tears' ranks as most watched Korean series on Netflix in first half of 2024

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'Queen of Tears' ranks as most watched Korean series on Netflix in first half of 2024

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A poster for ″Queen of Tears″ [TVN]

A poster for ″Queen of Tears″ [TVN]

Romance drama "Queen of Tears" was the most watched Korean content on Netflix during the first half of 2024, according to the streaming platform's biannual report released Friday.
The popular series, starring Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won, logged 29 million views. It is the 14th most watched show on Netflix.

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The recent Engagement Report disclosed view counts and hours of all in-house and licensed works on Netflix that were viewed for at least 50,000 hours from January to June this year. The platform's total viewing time was approximately 94 billion hours.  
Four of the 10 most popular English-language series were British-made: "Fool Me Once," "Baby Reindeer," "The Gentlemen" and "One Day." Non-English titles accounted for one-third of Netflix's total watch time.
Three Korean shows were included in the list of most watched non-English content. Following "Queen of Tears," the horror series "Parasyte: The Grey" had 25 million views and the romance drama "My Demon" (2023) had 18 million.  
Korea’s "Doctor Slump" was also one of the most watched non-English series in the romance genre, logging 14 million views.

BY LEE JIAN [lee.jian@joongango.co.kr]
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