One dead, five injured after car plows into burger joint in Seoul

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One dead, five injured after car plows into burger joint in Seoul

A hamburger restaurant in Gangbuk District, northern Seoul, was pulverized when a car crashed into it on Friday. [NEWS1]

A hamburger restaurant in Gangbuk District, northern Seoul, was pulverized when a car crashed into it on Friday. [NEWS1]

One person was killed and five people were injured when a car crashed into a hamburger restaurant in Gangbuk District, northern Seoul, at around 10:30 a.m. Friday.
The injured included the driver of the vehicle. 
According to fire authorities, one of the victims was receiving CPR when she was transported to a nearby hospital, where she was later pronounced dead in the afternoon. 

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The vehicle broke through a metal fence and trees near the bus stop in the center of the road before plunging into the store. 
The vehicle, a Hyundai Genesis G330, was being driven by a man in his 70s, according to the police. The driver is currently receiving treatment for a broken nose. The driver showed no sign of being under the influence. 
Right after the accident, people gathered and pulled the driver out of the car. The vehicle was later towed with severe damage to the bumper and windshield. No passengers were in the car at the time of the accident, according to witnesses. 
The broken metal fence in front of the hamburger store. [NEWS1]

The broken metal fence in front of the hamburger store. [NEWS1]

"I didn't hear any loud noise just before the accident," an employee at the restaurant told local news outlet News1. "There was only one customer and me in the store at the time."
"After the accident, I was scared that the car might explode, so the customer and I entered the kitchen."
Police plan to conduct a drug test on the driver and investigate the exact cause and circumstances of the accident. 
Update, Sept. 20: Added details regarding the accident.
Update, Sept. 20: The victim receiving CPR was pronounced dead

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