Text message phishing scammers extradited to Korea from Vietnam

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Text message phishing scammers extradited to Korea from Vietnam

A text message used for phishing [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A text message used for phishing [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Korean and Vietnamese police apprehended a text message phishing ring in Vietnam and extradited most of the suspects to Korea, the National Police Agency said Friday.  
Police apprehended seven individuals in Vietnam, six of whom were extradited to Korea. One remains incarcerated in Vietnam due to a separate case.

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This organization is suspected of defrauding 230 victims out of 10 billion won ($7.51 million) since July 2023 by sending out wedding invitations, obituaries, text messages and more, upon which the victims pressed an attached link and malicious software was downloaded onto their device.    
The police received a report from a woman in her 30s who stated she had been defrauded of approximately 19 million won after receiving a "mobile wedding invitation" in July last year.  
The investigation team has since analyzed about 300,000 transactions from approximately 70 accounts, including virtual and corporate accounts where the victim's money had been transferred.
A total of 86 people have been arrested in connection with this case, both domestically and internationally.   
"Going forward, we will continue to respond strongly to combat organized crimes, including new and malicious types of fraud, not only through cooperation across all functions of the National Police Agency but also through close international collaboration,” the police said in a press release on Friday.  

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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