Over 1 million unsafe children products sold last year

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Over 1 million unsafe children products sold last year

This photo taken on June 27 shows officials at the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards inspecting products subject to recalls. [YONHAP]

This photo taken on June 27 shows officials at the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards inspecting products subject to recalls. [YONHAP]

Over 1 million units of children's products with sub-par safety quality were sold in Korea last year, according to government data Sunday.
According to the data received by the Democratic Party's Rep. Heo Jong-sik from the state-run Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, some 1.07 million units of 122 children's products sold were subject to recall orders last year.
The volume of children's products subject to recall last year increased by 30 percent on year from 828,299 units in 2022.
Last year, only 485,348 units, or 45.2 percent of the total recalled products, were returned after being identified as defective or dangerous.
Most of the products that received recall orders were identified as low-cost imports from China, highlighting the need for strengthened distribution and quality control of imported goods.
For instance, all eight products subject to recall orders after an agency safety inspection on toys and baby products in May were found to be imports from China.
"The government must focus its efforts on strengthening safety management for defective and hazardous products and ensuring the swift recall of those subject to recall orders," Heo said.

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