Samsung executive expresses regret over radiation exposure case

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Samsung executive expresses regret over radiation exposure case

Yoon Tae-yang, chief safety officer of Samsung Electronics, answers lawmakers' questions at a parliamentary audit session in the National Assembly in western Seoul on Thursday. [YONHAP]

Yoon Tae-yang, chief safety officer of Samsung Electronics, answers lawmakers' questions at a parliamentary audit session in the National Assembly in western Seoul on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A senior executive at Samsung Electronics on Thursday expressed deep regret regarding a radiation exposure incident at one of the company's chip plants earlier this year.

"We deeply regret the incident," Yoon Tae-yang, vice president and chief safety officer of the semiconductor division at Samsung Electronics, said during a parliamentary audit session.
He referred to the X-ray exposure of two workers on the chip production line of Samsung Electronics' Giheung Campus in Yongin, Gyeonggi, in May.
Following months of investigation, Korea's Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) concluded that the incident was caused by mismanagement of safety equipment at the chip production facility.
The NSSC imposed a fine of 10.5 million won ($7,800) on the world's largest memory chipmaker as a result.
"We have devised measures to fundamentally prevent such incidents and will implement them step by step," he said, adding that his company plans to hire additional safety officers to bolster its safety protocols.

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