Dolhareubang [Photo Essay Contest]

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Dolhareubang [Photo Essay Contest]

Have you ever seen “Dolhareubang” in Jeju island?  
Hareabang means “Grandfather” in Jeju island dialect, so Dolhareubang is a stone statue of a grandfather. I saw Dolhareubang during my recent summer vacation to Jeju, and I want to introduce it to you. Dolhareubang is a traditional cultural heritage of Jeju Island, which has several characteristics.
First, Dolhareubang’s skin is friendly because it has many holes. Jeju Island has a lot of basalt because of its volcanic topography.
Second, Dolhareubang is known as a guardian deity who protects the village. So you can see Dolhareubang in front of the village or castle on Jeju Island.
Dolhareubang also has various symbols and stories. All Dolhareubangs look similar, but if you look closely, the positions of the hands are slightly different.  
There are various speculations and stories, but I was particularly interested in the story about the positions of the left and right hands.
If the left hand is above the right, like Dolhareubang in the photo, it symbolizes a soldier. Conversely, if the right hand is higher, it means a person in the position of a civil servant, and if the positions of the two hands are similar, it means a commoner.
There is also a legend that says if you touch the nose of a Dolhareubang, you will give birth to a son. Believe it or not, my mother touched Dolhareubang's nose and I am here now!  
I recently heard that there are also many Dolhareubangs with many facial expressions and gestures. If you go on a trip to Jeju Island, why don't you go on a search for Dolhareubang?
I hope I can find many Dolhareubangs with different facial expressions and gestures.
by Ko Ha Rang, Seoul Geo-Yeo Elementary School
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