Drunk van driver collides with bus in Daejeon, leaving 28 injured

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Drunk van driver collides with bus in Daejeon, leaving 28 injured

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The accident scene in Daejeon where a van collided with a city bus. [DAEJEON FIRE HEADQUARTERS]

The accident scene in Daejeon where a van collided with a city bus. [DAEJEON FIRE HEADQUARTERS]

A van driven by a drunk driver collided with a city bus in Daejeon, leaving 28 people injured, police and fire authorities said Wednesday.
Of the 28 individuals currently being treated at a nearby hospital, two, including the bus driver, are suffering from serious injuries.
The accident scene in Daejeon where a van collided with a city bus. [DAEJEON FIRE HEADQUARTERS]

The accident scene in Daejeon where a van collided with a city bus. [DAEJEON FIRE HEADQUARTERS]

The van driver, in his 50s, struck the bus at an intersection in Daejeon at 9:53 p.m. Tuesday, causing the bus to crash into a railway bridge, according to the Daejeon Fire Headquarters.
Police have booked the van driver on charges of drunk driving and are further investigating the accident.

BY KIM JEE-HEE [kim.jeehee@joongang.co.kr]
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