Brazilian National Day celebrated with event emphasizing ties with Korea

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Brazilian National Day celebrated with event emphasizing ties with Korea

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Ambassador of Brazil to Korea Marcia Donner Abreu speaks during the National Day event held at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [EMBASSY OF BRAZIL]

Ambassador of Brazil to Korea Marcia Donner Abreu speaks during the National Day event held at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [EMBASSY OF BRAZIL]

The Embassy of Brazil marked the country’s National Day on Wednesday with a celebratory event stressing bilateral ties between Korea and Brazil.
“Our two countries built our longstanding friendship on mutual respect, shared values, and a joint commitment to global peace and prosperity,” said Ambassador of Brazil to Korea Márcia Donner Abreu in her congratulatory remarks during the National Day event held at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday.
“My main goal during my mission here – to increase the bilateral ties and promote even more fruitful exchanges between Brazil and Korea – has found a fertile ground in the openness with which I have been received and in the interest Brazil, and Brazilians, lend to all things Korean, most notably your remarkable development, promotion of democracy, education, cultural and social development in just a few decades,” said Abreu.
Abreu further emphasized Korea and Brazil’s deepening bilateral ties, addressing the 65 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Ambassador of Brazil to Korea Marcia Donner Abreu and former Ambassador of Korea to Brazil Lim Ki-mo pose for a photo during the National Day event held at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. EMBASSY OF BRAZIL]

Ambassador of Brazil to Korea Marcia Donner Abreu and former Ambassador of Korea to Brazil Lim Ki-mo pose for a photo during the National Day event held at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. EMBASSY OF BRAZIL]

“Despite the geographical distance, and having cultures and societies so strikingly different from each other, Brazil and Korea have forged in these six and a half decades a solid path of mutual achievements that include vibrant partnership in trade, investment, political dialogue and cooperation,” said Abreu.
The National Day event was attended by dignitaries from the diplomatic circle and business executives, with former Ambassador of Korea to Brazil Lim Ki-mo being the guest of honor.
Korea’s development trajectory as well as its technological achievements were also lauded during the National Day event.
“South Korea's inspirational journey to development, its achievements in innovation and frontier technologies, including in the field of carbon-free energy, and its commitment to a world order that puts peace and prosperity at the forefront can offer valuable insights and contributions in the wider context of combating the spread of conflicts, inequality and the climate emergency worldwide,” said Abreu.

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