Seoul Coffee & Tea Fair honors best in beverages

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Seoul Coffee & Tea Fair honors best in beverages

Visitors taste coffee during the Seoul Coffee & Tea Fair at the aT Center in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Thursday morning. [YONHAP]

Visitors taste coffee during the Seoul Coffee & Tea Fair at the aT Center in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Thursday morning. [YONHAP]

Visitors taste coffee during the Seoul Coffee & Tea Fair at the aT Center in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Thursday morning.
The event, which runs from Thursday through Sunday, promotes sustainable growth and fair trade in coffee and tea across both the business-to-business and business-to-consumer sectors.
The schedule includes a Coffee & Dessert Show that explores the pairing of coffee with desserts, a Tea & Living Fair concerning the integration of tea into everyday life, a Good Coffee Festa celebrating coffee, the Golden Tea Award that recognizes innovations in the tea industry and the Golden Coffee Award honoring the best in coffee.
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