North Korea sends yet another wave of trash balloons toward the South

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North Korea sends yet another wave of trash balloons toward the South

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Contents carried by North Korean trash balloons fall to the ground after it exploded in the air on Friday afternoon in Mapo District, western Seoul. [JOONGANG PHOTO]

Contents carried by North Korean trash balloons fall to the ground after it exploded in the air on Friday afternoon in Mapo District, western Seoul. [JOONGANG PHOTO]

North Korea launched trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea on Monday morning, according to the South’s military.
North Korea has sent trash-laden balloons 25 times since May. The latest launch came three days after Pyongyang floated balloons toward Seoul on Friday.
Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) noted the possibility that “the balloons could drift to the greater Seoul area considering the wind direction,” in a message sent to reporters at around 5:38 a.m. on Monday, according to a report from the DongA Ilbo.
The JCS urged people to be cautious of descending contents and to report any sightings to police or military authorities.  

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