Netflix's 'Culinary Class Wars' top 8 — in pictures

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Netflix's 'Culinary Class Wars' top 8 — in pictures

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From the kitchen to the screen, the competing chefs of Netflix Korea's "Culinary Class Wars" are some of the country's hottest celebrities these days. 
Just hours ahead of the finale on Tuesday, the streaming platform released a photo shoot of the competition's top 8 chefs.
The top 8 chefs of "Culinary Class Wars." Clockwise, from bottom left: Triple Star, Edward Lee, Jang Ho-joon, Choi Hyun-seok, Napoli Matfia, Cooking Maniac, Jung Ji-sun and Auntie Omakase #1, center.   
The four White Spoon chefs of the top 8. Clockwise, from far left: Jang Ho-joon, Choi Hyun-seok, Jung Ji-sun and Edward Lee. 
The four Black Spoon chefs of the top 8. Clockwise, from bottom left: Auntie Omakase #1, Napoli Matfia, Cooking Maniac and Triple Star. 
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