Paris Baguette to open in Thailand, Brunei, Laos next year

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Paris Baguette to open in Thailand, Brunei, Laos next year

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Paris Croissant CEO Hur Jin-soo, right, poses for the camera with Berjaya Food Director and CEO Dato’ Sydney Lawrance Quays after signing a master franchise agreement with the Kuala Lumpur-based food company at Paris Baguette's Parkway Parade branch in Singapore on Monday. [SPC GROUP]

Paris Croissant CEO Hur Jin-soo, right, poses for the camera with Berjaya Food Director and CEO Dato’ Sydney Lawrance Quays after signing a master franchise agreement with the Kuala Lumpur-based food company at Paris Baguette's Parkway Parade branch in Singapore on Monday. [SPC GROUP]

Paris Baguette will open its first branches in Thailand, Brunei and Laos in 2025.
Berjaya Food will exclusively operate Paris Baguette's branches in Thailand and Brunei under a master franchise agreement the Kuala Lumpur-based food company signed with SPC Group on Monday. SPC Group owns Paris Croissant, which operates Paris Baguette in Korea.

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Berjaya Food already operates the bakery franchise in Malaysia and the Philippines as well as Starbucks franchises in Malaysia.
Paris Croissant also signed a master franchise agreement granting Kolao Group, founded and run by Korean businessperson Oh Se-young, the rights to operate Paris Baguette's stores in Laos. 
Paris Croissant CEO Hur Jin-soo, Berjaya Food Director and CEO Dato’ Sydney Lawrance Quays and Kolao Group Business Operations & Growth Manager O Ju-young signed the agreement at Paris Baguette's Parkway Parade branch in Singapore on Monday. The Parkway Parade branch is the 21st and the newest Paris Baguette store to open in the country.
“Western dietary culture is commonplace in Thailand, and its bakery industry is seeing an average 10 percent increase per year,” Paris Baguette said in a news release Wednesday.
“The market size in Brunei and Laos is not big, but the demand for high-quality bakeries is increasing. Paris Baguette plans to spread the high-quality bakery cafe culture in the country.”
Paris Baguette also signed an agreement on Monday with Korean smart farm startup Nexton to provide strawberries to Paris Baguette branches in Southeast Asia. Nexton currently provides strawberries to Paris Croissant's Korean branches.
Paris Baguette will operate in nine Southeast Asian countries by 2025 — Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Brunei — as well as France, China, Canada, Britain and the United States. 

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