Seoul court approves bail for SPC chief Hur Young-in

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Seoul court approves bail for SPC chief Hur Young-in

SPC Group Chairman Hur Young-in answers questions from reporters after his first trial in February. [YONHAP]

SPC Group Chairman Hur Young-in answers questions from reporters after his first trial in February. [YONHAP]

A Seoul court granted bail to Hur Young-in on Thursday after the SPC Group chairman had been detained since April on charges of coercing workers to quit their labor union. 
The SPC chief was accused of pressuring 570 union members at an SPC subsidiary to resign from the union between early 2021 and mid-2022. The alleged coercion was tied to the union's criticism of the company's labor practices. 

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Hur's bail was approved by the Seoul Central District Court on the condition that he pay a deposit of 100 million won ($74,600) and refrain from contacting individuals involved in the case. This decision reverses a previous ruling in July that had denied his bail request.

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