For pregnant women in Seoul, no more waiting in line at major events

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For pregnant women in Seoul, no more waiting in line at major events

  • 기자 사진

A pregnant woman places a sticker on a survey board during a campaign for expectant mothers in the waiting area of Yeouido Station in western Seoul on July 30. [NEWS1]

A pregnant woman places a sticker on a survey board during a campaign for expectant mothers in the waiting area of Yeouido Station in western Seoul on July 30. [NEWS1]

Pregnant women in Seoul will be able to avoid waiting in line at major events hosted by the city and will receive discounts at the city’s cultural and sports facilities.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government on Wednesday announced new measures for pregnant women, ahead of the country's annual Pregnant Women’s Day, which falls on Thursday.

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Starting in October, all pregnant women in the capital will be eligible for exemptions or discounts at sports facilities. 
Costs for classes and facility usage, such as at Gocheok Sky Dome in Guro District, northern Seoul, and Jamsil Indoor Swimming Pool in Songpa District, southern Seoul, will be discounted by 50 percent. Discounts will also be available for special exhibitions at the Seoul Museum of Art in Nowon District, northern Seoul.
In addition, pregnant women will be exempt from entrance fees for tours at the Seoul World Cup Stadium in Mapo District, western Seoul.
Expectant mothers will also be offered fast-track entry to major cultural events hosted by the city, allowing them to avoid waiting in long lines. 
Pregnant women will not need to carry pregnancy badges or maternity booklets to receive these benefits. 
Instead, they can simply use a verification card, which can be downloaded from the "Seoul Wallet" app. According to the city government, Seoul is the first locality in Korea to introduce this application-based card system.
The card can be used up to six months after the baby’s due date.
Commuters leave a priority seat for pregnant women empty on a subway car in downtown Seoul on Wednesday, a day ahead of the country's Pregnant Women's Day. [NEWS1]

Commuters leave a priority seat for pregnant women empty on a subway car in downtown Seoul on Wednesday, a day ahead of the country's Pregnant Women's Day. [NEWS1]

The city will also set up dedicated complaint counters for pregnant women at city hall and all 25 district offices.
Seoul has been implementing various measures to support pregnant women as the country continues to struggle with a persistently low birthrate.
Since July 2022, the city has provided 700,000 won ($520) in transportation subsidies to pregnant women.
Last year, Seoul began offering 1 million won to households for postpartum care. Additionally, since July, the city has subsidized up to 500,000 won in medical checkup fees for pregnant women aged 35 and older.

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