Driver in deadly Seoul City Hall car crash denies charges in court

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Driver in deadly Seoul City Hall car crash denies charges in court

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Police officers inspect the site of a car crash that killed nine people near Seoul City Hall in central Seoul on July 4, three days after the accident. [NEWS1]

Police officers inspect the site of a car crash that killed nine people near Seoul City Hall in central Seoul on July 4, three days after the accident. [NEWS1]

The 68-year-old driver involved in a deadly car crash near Seoul City Hall in July denied criminal wrongdoing during questioning at the Seoul Central District Court on Friday, claiming he did not press the accelerator of his vehicle.  
On July 1, Cha's car traveled 200 meters (656 feet) in the wrong direction and crashed into sidewalk guardrails, killing nine people and injuring seven, including the driver himself and his wife. Cha has been charged with negligence leading to deaths.
Prosecutors said in court that Cha “repeatedly pressed the accelerator pedal while driving in the wrong direction and neglected his duty to honk his horn, which could have warned pedestrians at risk.”
Cha's attorney argued that Cha was not at fault "because the car accelerated for unknown reasons and did not stop even when he stepped on the brake pedal.”

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According to a report from the JoongAng Ilbo, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily, he appeared confident when questioned and responded clearly when the judge informed him of his right to remain silent.  
Since the investigation following the accident, Cha has maintained that his car had malfunctioned, resulting in sudden unintended acceleration. This is despite the National Forensic Service's conclusion that Cha pressed the accelerating pedal almost to the floor. The forensic authority also found no fault with the brake pedal.  
Cha's attorney said his team disagreed with the forensic analysis and would request an additional fact inquiry.  
The judiciary will summon officials from the forensic service and employees from the car manufacturer for an additional questioning session on Nov. 13.  
Cha was indicted with detention on Aug. 20 for violating the Act on Special Cases concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents.  

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