Around 20,000 Japanese citizens attend Korean pop culture exhibition

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Around 20,000 Japanese citizens attend Korean pop culture exhibition

Visitors attend an exhibition in Tokyo promoting Korea's pop culture.

Visitors attend an exhibition in Tokyo promoting Korea's pop culture.

About 20,000 Japanese citizens took part in an exhibition in Tokyo promoting Korean pop culture, officials said Sunday.
The exhibition was organized to promote brand awareness and the overseas market entry of Korea's promising consumer goods and services over a phenomenon known as the Korean Wave, or "Hallyu," according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
"With the 60th anniversary of Korea and Japan's normalization of diplomatic relations and the Osaka Expo both slated for next year, Hallyu Expo's launch in Tokyo will serve as a jump-start to providing support for Korean companies' Japanese market penetration," the ministry said in a statement.
The ministry said it aims to make use of the occasion to promote Korean consumer goods like food and cosmetics, as well as services, to Japanese buyers.

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