Police to question Moon's daughter in private over alleged drunk driving

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Police to question Moon's daughter in private over alleged drunk driving

Cho Ji-ho, center, commissioner-general of the Korean National Police Agency, attends a parliamentary audit of his agency in Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

Cho Ji-ho, center, commissioner-general of the Korean National Police Agency, attends a parliamentary audit of his agency in Seoul on Friday. [YONHAP]

Police plan to question former President Moon Jae-in's daughter in private over her alleged drunk driving, the nation's police chief said Friday.

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Cho Ji-ho, commissioner-general of the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA), said in a parliamentary audit that it is the police's policy to privately investigate Moon Da-hye, who has been booked for investigation after she caused a collision with a taxi in Seoul's Itaewon district last Saturday. Her blood alcohol concentration was reportedly measured at 0.14 percent, exceeding the 0.08 percent threshold for driver's license revocation.
Cho also said the place to question the younger Moon can be changed for reasons of her safety. She has been expected to appear at the Seoul Yongsan Police Station, which is in charge of the Itaewon district.
The police chief made the remarks during the audit held at the KNPA when asked by lawmakers whether the younger Moon's appearance before police investigators will be made public.
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