BTS's J-Hope to finish mandatory military service Thursday

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BTS's J-Hope to finish mandatory military service Thursday

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J-Hope of boy band BTS [WEVERSE]

J-Hope of boy band BTS [WEVERSE]

J-Hope of boy band BTS will finish his mandatory military service on Thursday, his agency BigHit Music said Monday. There will be no official event and the agency asked fans to refrain from coming to the facility where he is stationed.
"We kindly ask fans to send their warm support from their hearts. We are always grateful for the unwavering support and love shown for J-Hope," it said.

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J-Hope is the second member of BTS to complete his service, following Jin, who was discharged in June.
J-Hope shared his thoughts on his imminent discharge on fan community platform Weverse last month.
"I am proud and confident as I look back on my military service," he said. "I also feel somewhat attached to my time here."

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