Kyochon opens fifth branch in Taiwan

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Kyochon opens fifth branch in Taiwan

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Korean fried chicken franchise Kyochon's fifth store in Taiwan is located in Taichung, a city known for its bustling night markets and shopping. [KYOCHON F&B]

Korean fried chicken franchise Kyochon's fifth store in Taiwan is located in Taichung, a city known for its bustling night markets and shopping. [KYOCHON F&B]

Korean fried chicken franchise Kyochon opened its fifth store in Taiwan, this time with a roadside venue in Taichung, a city known for its bustling night markets and shopping scene, its operator Kyochon F&B said Tuesday.
The shop is Kyochon's first branch in Taiwan to be a standalone store and not located in a department store or shopping center. Kyochon has opened four branches in the country — in Taipei and Tainan — since the first in the New Taipei City municipality in August last year.

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Much like in Korea, Kyochon's Taiwan menu is centered on its flagship soy sauce, honey glaze and red chili pepper fried chicken, a spokesperson for the franchise said. The sauce used to coat the chicken is produced at a factory in Jincheon, North Chungcheong, and shipped to global branches, making Kyochon's chicken taste the same all around the world.

"In consideration of the diverse profile of customers in Taiwan, we have created a menu consisting of Kyochon's signature products that all people will enjoy," Kyochon said in its press release.

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