LG U+ collects used tech for International E-waste Day

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LG U+ collects used tech for International E-waste Day

LG U+ CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik, second from right, participates in a campaign to collect home appliances in honor of International E-Waste Day on Monday. [LG U+]

LG U+ CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik, second from right, participates in a campaign to collect home appliances in honor of International E-Waste Day on Monday. [LG U+]

LG U+ CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik, second from right, participates in a campaign to collect home appliances in honor of International E-Waste Day on Monday.
The company collected used gadgets from homes, stores and corporate headquarters such as batteries, fans and keyboards in collaboration with the Korea Climate & Environment Network and E-cycle Governance.
The used tech will be recycled after various resources such as iron, copper and aluminum are extracted.
International E-Waste Day, founded by the WEEE Forum, aims to raise awareness of fast-growing electronic waste around the world.
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