Gov’t to expand E-9 visa to tackle worker shortage issue

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Gov’t to expand E-9 visa to tackle worker shortage issue

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A group of foreign workers arrive in Korea in 2022. [NEWS1]

A group of foreign workers arrive in Korea in 2022. [NEWS1]

Seoul-headquartered midsize companies with facilities in suburbs will be able to hire foreigners under the Employment Permit System, or E-9 visa, to relieve worker shortage issues. 
The Korean government confirmed the revision to its regulations at the 44th meeting of the Committee for Policy on Foreign Human Resources on Thursday. 
Midsize companies associated with the so-called root industry, which indicates various process technology such as casting, mold, plastic processing and heat treatment, will be able to hire foreigners with E-9 visas even if their headquarters are located in a metropolitan area. 
Before, if a company's headquarters were located in a metropolitan area, the hiring of foreigners was restricted, even if the workers would be working in the suburbs. 
The government also plans to come up with a special training program for foreign employees so they can adjust to their work area in an agile manner. 
The revision take effect in December when the fifth edition of the foreign employment permit application rolls out. 

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