Busan job fair targets middle-aged job-seekers

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Busan job fair targets middle-aged job-seekers

Participants rehearse for a senior model fashion show, a component of the 2024 Busan 50+ Job Fair, at Busan Citizens Park in Busanjin District, Busan, on Thursday morning. [YONHAP]

Participants rehearse for a senior model fashion show, a component of the 2024 Busan 50+ Job Fair, at Busan Citizens Park in Busanjin District, Busan, on Thursday morning. [YONHAP]

Participants rehearse for a senior model fashion show, a component of the 2024 Busan 50+ Job Fair, at Busan Citizens Park in Busanjin District, Busan, on Thursday morning.
The fair — which was hosted by Busan Metropolitan City, organized by the Busan 50+ Career and Job Center and sponsored by Busan Bank — offered job counseling and recruitment as well as makeup services. While the event targeted job-seekers 50 and older, those of all ages were invited to attend.
Approximately 50 models participated in the fashion show in partnership with the Busan Institute of Science and Technology.
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