Starlink-friendly rule revisions in the works by Science Ministry

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Starlink-friendly rule revisions in the works by Science Ministry

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A Starlink logo is shown on the company's product packaging on Sept. 13, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. [GETTY IMAGES/YONHAP]

A Starlink logo is shown on the company's product packaging on Sept. 13, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. [GETTY IMAGES/YONHAP]

SpaceX’s Starlink is set to bring its high-speed satellite internet to Korea early next year.
The news comes after the National Radio Research Agency under the Ministry of Science and ICT issued an administrative notice on Monday about a partial revision that involves setting up guidelines for user terminals that communicate with non-geostationary satellites, such as Starlink’s units, at altitudes below 600 kilometers (373 miles).
In other words, the revision pertains to an adjustment of technical standards to allow SpaceX’s Starlink terminals to operate in Korea, as Starlink is the only service that provides low-Earth orbit satellite communications below 600 kilometers.

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Referring to local news reports about the possibility of Starlink's deployment in Korea, Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX, wrote “That would be cool” on his X account.
It is expected that the approval process for the cross-border supply agreement between Starlink Korea and the U.S. headquarters of SpaceX, along with the review by Korea’s Ministry of Government Legislation, will take about 3 to 4 months after the 60-day administrative notice period.
This means that all the requirements for SpaceX to launch its services in the country could be ready by January or February next year.
SpaceX established a Korean subsidiary, Starlink Korea, in March of last year and was registered as a telecommunications carrier in Korea two months later.
It was initially set to begin service in the second quarter of 2023 but was delayed. As of now, Starlink is available in over 100 countries including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia and most of Europe and regions in Africa and the Middle East.

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