U.S. expresses 'great concerns' over growing North Korea-Russia military alliance

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U.S. expresses 'great concerns' over growing North Korea-Russia military alliance

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller speaking during a press briefing at the department in Washington on Feb. 27. [YONHAP]

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller speaking during a press briefing at the department in Washington on Feb. 27. [YONHAP]

A U.S. State Department spokesperson expressed "great concerns" Wednesday over a deepening military partnership between North Korea and Russia, after Moscow set in motion a ratification process for a "comprehensive strategic partnership" treaty with North Korea.
Matthew Miller, the spokesperson, commented on the two countries' partnership, as Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma, Russia's lower legislative house, a bill on the ratification of the treaty on Monday, according to Russian media.

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"We continue to have great concerns about the growing security relationship between Russia and North Korea," Miller said.
In June, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty that calls for one party to provide military aid to the other "without delay" in the event of an armed invasion — a pledge that many said amounted to a revival of the two countries' Cold War-era military alliance.
The signing of the treaty raised prospects of greater military cooperation between the North and Russia at a time when both countries are facing diplomatic isolation and sanctions pressure with Pyongyang sticking to its nuclear and missile programs and Moscow waging the much-criticized war against Ukraine.

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