Air cargo volume up 13 pct through Sept. amid Red Sea crisis

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Air cargo volume up 13 pct through Sept. amid Red Sea crisis

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A Korean Air Boeing 787-10 takes off from an airfield. [KOREAN AIR]

A Korean Air Boeing 787-10 takes off from an airfield. [KOREAN AIR]

The combined volume of international air cargo handled by Korean carriers rose 13 percent on-year through September, data showed Sunday, amid lingering disruptions in the Red Sea maritime shipping route.
Over the January-September period, the country's 11 air carriers transported 2.09 million tons of international cargo, compared to 1.84 million tons tallied a year earlier, according to data compiled by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
It marked the first time the nine-month data hovered above 2 million tons since 2.07 million tons were recorded in 2018.
The increase apparently came amid soaring maritime shipping costs and extended transit times due to the geopolitical crisis in the Red Sea.
By carrier, Korean Air saw its international cargo volume rise 12 percent on-year to reach 1.19 million tons.
Asiana Airlines also saw its air cargo rise 6.8 percent over the period to 565,000 tons, followed by Jeju Air with 86,000 tons, up 25.7 percent.

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