Black Eagles fly at Korean War memorial ceremony in Busan

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Black Eagles fly at Korean War memorial ceremony in Busan

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The Air Force’s Black Eagles aerobatic team flies above the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea in Busan during a ceremony on Monday to commemorate soldiers from 17 countries who died defending South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War. The ceremony, which was attended by veterans, their relatives, families of the fallen, cadets, current service members and representatives of some 20 member states of the United Nations Command, coincided with Remembrance Day, which is observed on Nov. 11 across the Commonwealth of Nations.

The Air Force’s Black Eagles aerobatic team flies above the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea in Busan during a ceremony on Monday to commemorate soldiers from 17 countries who died defending South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War. The ceremony, which was attended by veterans, their relatives, families of the fallen, cadets, current service members and representatives of some 20 member states of the United Nations Command, coincided with Remembrance Day, which is observed on Nov. 11 across the Commonwealth of Nations.

The Air Force’s Black Eagles aerobatic team flies above the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea in Busan during a ceremony on Monday to commemorate soldiers from 17 countries who died defending South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War. 
The ceremony, which was attended by veterans, their relatives, families of the fallen, cadets, current service members and representatives of some 20 member states of the United Nations Command, coincided with Remembrance Day, which is observed on Nov. 11 across the Commonwealth of Nations.

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