Deadpool and Wolverine set to wade into Korea as Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman confirm visit

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Deadpool and Wolverine set to wade into Korea as Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman confirm visit

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Walt Disney Company Korea announced Wednesday that the two leads of the upcoming film, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” will visit Korea to meet fans on July 4 and 5, alongside its director Shawn Levy. [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

Walt Disney Company Korea announced Wednesday that the two leads of the upcoming film, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” will visit Korea to meet fans on July 4 and 5, alongside its director Shawn Levy. [WALT DISNEY COMPANY KOREA]

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are coming to town.
The two leads of the upcoming film, “Deadpool & Wolverine,” will visit Korea on July 4 and 5 to meet fans, alongside its director Shawn Levy, the Walt Disney Company Korea announced Wednesday.
The Walt Disney Company Korea said that “Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, who have both sown great fan service during their previous visits to Korea” will spend time in Korea to “talk about the film and communicate firsthand with the fans.”
More information about the visit will be unveiled at a future date.
“Deadpool & Wolverine,” set to premiere on July 24, is the third installment in the “Deadpool” series of films following “Deadpool” in 2016 and “Deadpool 2” in 2018. It is also the first “Deadpool” film to be released under Marvel Studios and its fictional universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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