Jung Joon-ho leaves ‘Goodbye to Goodbye’

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Jung Joon-ho leaves ‘Goodbye to Goodbye’


Actor Jung Joon-ho has decided to drop out of the MBC weekend drama “Goodbye to Goodbye” according to a local media reports on Thursday.

Jung’s agency We Rule Entertainment spoke with local media outlet OSEN saying that “Jung is booked for a long business trip and couldn’t make his schedule match with the filming of the show.” He will be overseas throughout the entire month of April. They added, “His business trip is the only reason he decided to drop out of the TV series.”

MBC is currently in talks with actor Lee Sung-jae to replace Jung’s role on the TV drama.

The new weekend drama is expected to air in May and will star actors Chae Si-ra and Cho Bo-ah.

By Sung Ji-eun
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