&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93PC room is a nonsmoker's downfall

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&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93PC room is a nonsmoker's downfall

I am a student in my first year of high school. I recently visited an Internet cafe with my friends. It had been a long time since my last such visit, since I use my PC at home.

As soon as we entered the room, the cigarette smoke started to bother us. To make things worse, a man sitting next to me smoked like there was no tomorrow. After half an hour of tolerating the smoke, I had to leave with a headache. I was planning to have some fun, but that thought went up in smoke.

My elementary-school-age brother visits these places often. Not only is he exposed to second hand smoke, he is also exposed to the temptation of smoking. I do not understand why a better environment cannot be enforced. I hope the government takes appropriate measures to separate smokers from nonsmokers.

by Sung Yu-rim
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