Seoul 9th in global city ranking

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Seoul 9th in global city ranking


Seoul ranked ninth among the world’s most globalized cities, helped by active international business and a high rate of broadband penetration, according to a survey by a U.S. consulting company.

The company, AT Kearney, released its 2008 Global Cities Index, jointly assessed by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Foreign Policy magazine, yesterday. The index ranks 60 cities around the world, based on five categories: business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and policy engagement.

Seoul ranked seventh in business activity, measured by the number of multinational companies, the size of the stock and commodities markets and other factors. The capital got its highest ranking, fifth, in information exchange, which is measured by the number of bureaus of global publications, the national rate of broadband penetration and more.

On the other hand, Seoul ranked 35th, its lowest, in human capital. Despite the high number of residents with university degrees, Seoul was weak in this category because of the comparatively low number of international students and schools. The city was also weak in policy engagement, coming in at 19th. This category studies how well a city is connected to the international policy realm, measured by the number of embassies, sponsorship of local organizations with international reach and other factors.

As for cultural experience, which includes the number of international travelers coming to the city, performing arts venues, international sporting events and so on, Seoul ranked 10th.

Korea ranked fourth among Asian cities, behind Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore. China’s Beijing and Shanghai took the 12th and 20th positions, respectively.

By Moon So-young Staff Reporter []

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