Kumho group plans to buy AIG building

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Kumho group plans to buy AIG building


New York headquarters of troubled U.S. insurance giant AIG. [YONHAP]

A Korean-led consortium said yesterday it has reached a deal to buy the New York headquarters of troubled U.S. insurance giant AIG, the first major purchase by a Korean firm of a Wall Street property.

American International Group has agreed to sell its 66-story headquarters and an adjacent building to the consortium led by Kumho Investment Bank, Kumho said in a statement.

Kumho said it signed a contract and made a down-payment on June 2 and the remainder of the purchase price would soon be paid. It refused to disclose the price or the other consortium members.

Chosun Ilbo newspaper estimated the price at between $400 million to $500 million compared with $800-900 million before the financial crisis.

“Wall Street is still the global financial hub and we’re optimistic about the U.S. financial industry,” Y.C. Kim, a Kumho director, said in the statement, adding he expects real estate prices in Wall Street to rebound.

AIG, which is trying to sell off assets to repay a massive U.S. government bailout, last month sold its headquarters in Tokyo to Japan’s largest insurer Nippon Life for $1.2 billion.

The U.S. government has pumped more than $170 billion into AIG to keep it afloat, making it the largest ever single recipient of federal bailout money so far.

In return the government has taken a stake of nearly 80 percent in what was once one of the world’s biggest insurers. AFP
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