Behind the scenes with footballer Park Ji-sung

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Behind the scenes with footballer Park Ji-sung


An aged wallet that looks about six or seven years old, 60 pounds (100,000 won or $90) cash and two credit cards - Park Ji-sung doesn’t act like a superstar.

Ilgan Sports got up close and personal with the Manchester United midfielder for seven days in January., catching a glimpse of his daily life and the reason for his success.

Park, 29, revealed that money has never been a motivation. "The only time that I wanted to actually make money was when I saw a fancy car in front of my house when I was little. I wanted to be able to buy a nice car for my mom."

Park emphasized that even though he didn't live the most comfortable life, money was never the issue when he was doing the things he loved.


Regarding the recent rumors of the footballer’s relations with Japanese volleyball player Kimura Saori, Park commented, "I don't know who she is. I think she's even taller than me. I don't want to date someone that is taller than me. I wish I could stop hearing rumors of me dating and really start it."

Park's busy schedule after joining the Manchester United has allowed him no time to have a life of his own. He says he's ready to meet someone he loves and start a family.

Although he had many obstacles in his career, like having flat feet, he managed to find his way around.

"I realized very early in my life that I didn't have exceptional talent playing football. I knew I couldn't beat anyone if I simply did what everyone else did. I guess being a perfectionist wasn't a choice for me."

Park summed his life up by saying, "In terms of a football game, I feel like I am running during the first ten minutes of the second round. Even if I am a goal behind or winning, it is when everything can be turned around. I want to make the remaining 35 minutes count."

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