Alert after government sites hit by cyberattack

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Alert after government sites hit by cyberattack

The Web sites of the Blue House and other key ministries and organizations were subject yesterday to a cyberattack by malicious computer codes that shut some of them down temporarily.

About 40 government Web sites, including those of the ministries of foreign affairs, unification and defense and the National Intelligence Service, were hit by a so-called distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack beginning on Thursday.

A DDoS attack involves directing a sudden and giant data traffic surge to its target, which overwhelms the site’s servers and makes it hard for people to access the site.

The Blue House acknowledged the assaults but denied any damage.

“Considering that the Blue House’s tolerance level for a cyberattack is 100, the attacks that occurred [in the past two days] were less than the 1 percent range,” said Kim Hee-jung, a Blue House spokeswoman.

The latest assault was carried out using malicious codes that turn personal computers into zombie computers, according to AhnLab, a leading local computer security company.

The latest attack is similar to one in July 2009 that affected the Web sites of 17 Korean government and companies and lasted three days.

Although the attack has only led to temporary shutdowns at some sites, the Korea Communications Commission issued a “warning-level” alert yesterday. It is the third-highest of four alert levels.

“We are currently working to collect and analyze the malicious codes that triggered the DDoS attack, as well as determining who was behind it and preventing further damage,” the commission said in a statement.

The KCC expects another wave of attacks to occur at 10:45 a.m. today and encourages all Internet users to download antivirus software from the Web sites and and inspect their PCs.

Among the organizations affected by the attack were the National Assembly, U.S. Forces Korea, the five leading banks, securities companies and major Internet portals.

Industry sources say that the size of the attack was significantly smaller than the July 2009 attack. The Korea Internet Security Agency said that the number of zombie PCs involved in the attack was around 21,000 as of yesterday - much smaller than the 115,000 that participated in the July 2009 attack.

The KISA, however, said that the number of zombie companies has surged from just 720 on Thursday.

Industry sources say the malicious codes were distributed through a peer-to-peer file sharing site called Sharebox. But the attacker’s identity and motive have not yet been determined.

By Kim Hyung-eun []

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