A protest over Justice Ministry changes

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A protest over Justice Ministry changes

After the bitter tug-of-war between the Ministry of Justice and newly minted lawyers over the ministry’s plan to hire law school students as prosecutors, lawyers who are currently working in the field said they will hold a rally from tomorrow to April 1 against the ministry’s decision.

Kim Byeong-cheol, a 36-year-old lawyer, said lawyers, most of whom are in their 30s, will hold a rally in front of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong, southern Seoul, to protest the ministry’s announcement last Wednesday that it will employ some law school students who pass the lawyer certification test as prosecutors. “Up until now, roughly 50 lawyers said they will participate in the rally, and more are calling us saying they will attend the rally,” Kim said. “The employment of prosecutors is closely connected to [redoing] the whole legal system.”

Kim said lawyers are worried that the Ministry of Justice will preferentially select law school students, some of whose fathers are high-ranking lawyers, as prosecutors.

In Korea, there currently are two ways to be a lawyer - passing the national bar exam and finishing a mandatory two years at the Judicial Research and Training Institute or attending a three-year law school and passing the lawyer certification test designed only for law school students.

But the law school system is a new one. The Roh Moo-hyun administration launched 25 law schools nationwide in 2008 in an effort to broaden the pool of lawyers. There have yet been no graduates from law schools; the first generation of law school students will take the first lawyer certification test in March 2012. The national bar exam will coexist with law school system until being abolished in 2017.

In a bid to boost the law school system and get talented students from law schools, the Justice Ministry said on Feb.18 that it is considering hiring some law school students as prosecutors based on the recommendation of law school presidents only, drawing harsh criticism from lawyers who passed the bar in 2010.

About 520 junior lawyers were absent at the Judicial Research and Training Institute Wednesday on their first day of training classes and 100 of them held a rally outside the institute, calling for withdrawal of the plan for hiring law school students.

In response to the opposition, the ministry said Wednesday afternoon that the plan for employing law school students has not been specifically decided yet, and it will hire students only who pass the lawyer certification test, not only based on recommendations from their schools.

But even after the announcement, the lawyers, still angry, released a statement Thursday that law school students can’t be prosecutors right after their graduation, even if they pass the lawyer certification test, because they don’t take the two years of training classes.

The lawyers warned that they won’t hesitate to act en masse against the ministry if it doesn’t revamp its plan.

But Kim Hyeong-ju, chairman of the Korean Law Students Association and a 43-year-old student at Jeju National University Law School, said that it is not fair for law school students to be blocked from being prosecutors.

“We guess the current lawyers, who studied to pass the national bar exam for a couple of years and took the mandatory two years of training classes afterward, will feel that law school students, who study in law schools for only three years, become a lawyer much easier than they did,” Kim said. “But it is not fair to oppose employing law school students for prosecutors.

“The current conflict between law school and senior lawyers will last just temporarily until the bar is abolished in 2017,” Kim added.

By Kim Hee-jin [heejin@joongang.co.kr]

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