Police launch raid against new KMA chief for allegedly instigating walkout

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Police launch raid against new KMA chief for allegedly instigating walkout

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Lim Hyun-taek, the newly elected president of the Korean Medical Association, talks face-to-face with Lujain Alqodmani, the president of the World Medical Association in Yeouido, western Seoul, on April 19. [NEWS1]

Lim Hyun-taek, the newly elected president of the Korean Medical Association, talks face-to-face with Lujain Alqodmani, the president of the World Medical Association in Yeouido, western Seoul, on April 19. [NEWS1]

Police conducted an additional raid on Friday against the newly elected president of the Korean Medical Association (KMA) for allegedly inciting the mass walkout by junior doctors in opposition to the government’s plan to increase the medical school enrollment quota by 2,000 slots.
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said Friday morning that it is proceeding with a search and seizure against Lim Hyun-taek, including his phone.
According to the police, the raid was conducted to seize the new chief's current phone after they found that the phone confiscated in March was an old one he no longer used.
The authorities added that they secured some documents after sending investigators to his Korean Pediatric Association office, which he is also the president of, in Mapo District, western Seoul, and his house in Asan, South Chungcheong.
Police launched an investigation on March 1 after the Ministry of Health and Welfare filed a complaint in February against five former and current leaders of the KMA on suspicion of provoking junior doctors to collectively stage a walkout.
The Health Ministry accused the leaders of aiding and abetting the violation of the medical law and obstruction of medical business, charges the police cited when summoning Lim and the others for questioning during their investigation.
Police said that they are currently reviewing legal principles to prove the charges based on evidence obtained through the raids and testimonies from KMA officials and employees.
Police investigators moves confiscated items after conducting a search and seizure at the Korean Pediatric Association office, in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Friday. [NEWS1]

Police investigators moves confiscated items after conducting a search and seizure at the Korean Pediatric Association office, in Mapo District, western Seoul, on Friday. [NEWS1]

The KMA said in a statement Friday that the additional raid seems to have a “certain motive” as it was conducted just days before Lim starts his term as president next month.
Lim was elected as the next president of organization on March 26 and his term will begin on April 1.
It also slated the government for engaging in“an extremely petty act” of conducting a search and seizure behind the scenes while publicly claiming to want to talk with the medical community.

BY CHO MUN-GYU, KIM JI-YE [kim.jiye@joongang.co.kr]
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