‘Papa Bear’ slims down, will return to third

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‘Papa Bear’ slims down, will return to third


KBS color commentator Lee Yong-chul was shocked when he saw 35-year-old Kim Dong-joo at a baseball exhibition game between Kim’s Doosan Bears and the second-tier Sangmu military team Monday at Jamsil Baseball Stadium.

Kim, the Bears’ veteran third baseman, had a face bronzed by too much sun and seemingly lost a lot of weight.

“Is that really Dong-joo?” Lee said.

The Bears conducted their 46-day spring camp under the warmer rays of Miyazaki, Japan, and Kim didn’t miss a day, training nonstop without wearing any sunblock that would have protected his from that harmful ultraviolet light. Kim just wanted to be ready for the new season. After all, the first official preseason games are this weekend.

Maybe that’s why Doosan fans call him “Dumokgom,” roughly translated as “Papa Bear.” He doesn’t consider himself a father figure or clubhouse leader, but when it comes to getting down and dirty on the diamond, there is no better example for some of the younger Doosan players than Kim.

This year though, the veteran has good reason to put in the extra effort - he’s trying to get back in shape so he can play third base, where he was bumped from last year to become the Bears’ designated hitter, despite playing most of his career at the hot corner.

Kim has been one of the most prolific Korean hitters of the last decade, compiling a .312 career batting average, 253 home runs and 986 RBI over 13 professional seasons, all with the Bears. But concerns about his age and potential injuries last year meant less time in the field and more time as designated hitter. He played 20 games as DH in 2009 and was DH a whopping 77 of the 110 games he appeared in last year.

So Kim, who is never one to let things slide and is hoping to win his first Korean Series since the Bears last did it in 2001, made the decision with manager Kim Kyung-moon to get in shape and be healthy enough to return to third base and continue to hit as he always has - with authority. Kim did exactly that against Sangmu by playing respectable defense at third and notching two key hits for his team, even though it was just an exhibition game.

“I need to keep preparing for the [regular season],” Kim said after the game, though you wouldn’t know he and the Bears were still “preparing” after their 8-2 demolition of the second-tier military team.

“I didn’t even expect a player like Kim Dong-joo to come out for a game like this,” Sangmu manager Park Ji-wang said.

Kim’s return as full-time third baseman could have left a void at DH, but manager Kim appointed burly right fielder Lee Sung-yeol as Doosan’s new designated hitter and will insert a more mobile outfielder in place of Lee.

Intense training appears to have done Kim Dong-joo, and his team, plenty of good. Kim went from 103 kilograms last season to 98 kilograms so far this year.

And Doosan pitcher Im Tae-hoon, who shared a room with Kim during spring camp, said: “Dong-joo is so strict with himself, even about sleeping and eating, that I feel his rigorous lifestyle has even made its way to me.”

Said manager Kim: “Dong-joo was the hardest worker at camp, you can tell just by the fact that he got tanned and lost weight.”

Having Kim at his best this year could be huge for a Doosan team that finished third during the 2010 regular season with a 73-57 record and later fell to the Samsung Lions in the second round of the KBO playoffs.

Kim and pitcher Lee Hye-chun - who debuted together in 1998 - are the last remaining members of the 2001 Korean Series-winning Doosan Bears. It’s no wonder Kim has been working so hard at camp. Personal goals are one thing, but winning the league for the first time in 10 years is another.

“I made a deal with [manager Kim],” Kim Dong-joo said. “In the past we just couldn’t get over the threshold, but I told coach I want to win with him this year. And I think it all starts with me changing my ways. Just as I was confident I could get healthier, I’m confident we can win.”

By Kim Dong-hwan, Allen Wagner [allen@joongang.co.kr]

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강훈 결과 103㎏이던 김동주의 몸무게는 98㎏으로 줄었다. 스프링캠프에서 김동주와 함께 방을 쓴 투수 임태훈은 “동주 선배가 자는 것, 먹는 것 등 생활수칙을 하도 엄하게 지켜 나까지 합숙소 생활을 하는 기분이었다”고 전했다. 김 감독 역시 “동주가 캠프에서 가장 열심히 훈련했다. 얼굴색과 몸매만 봐도 알 것”이라며 흡족해 했다.

1998년 데뷔한 김동주는 투수 이혜천과 함께 둘밖에 남지 않은 2001년 두산의 마지막 우승 멤버다. 이날 경기에서 다이빙 캐치로 온몸이 흙빛이 된 김동주는 “올해는 나도, 감독님도 계약 마지막 해다. 매번 우승 문턱에서 주저앉았는데 올해는 꼭 감독님과 함께 우승하고 싶다”며 “나부터 달라져야 한다고 생각했다. 몸이 좋아진 만큼 자신도 있다”고 힘주어 말했다.

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