Koreans offer to help tsunami-hit neighbors

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Koreans offer to help tsunami-hit neighbors


Advance team members of South Korean rescuers handle search dogs as they arrive at Tokyo’s International Airport on Saturday, one day after a giant quake and tsunami struck the country’s northeastern coast. About 100 Korean rescue workers were dispatched to Japan last night. [AP/YONHAP]

Despite the historically antagonistic relationship between Korea and Japan, offers of help are streaming into Japan from Korea over the earthquake and tsunami disaster.

Political, religious and civic organizations as well as celebrities and the Korean government are offering assistance in the rescue and relief efforts in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

As the massive scale of the disaster has become more apparent, civic group leaders gathered in front of the Japanese Embassy in central Seoul on Saturday and organized an earthquake relief campaign, requesting Korean citizens to “help Japanese victims and show our our love for humanity.”

Hwalbindan, a civic group that has promoted an anti-Japanese civic movement dealing with issues such as protecting the Dokdo Islets, appealed to the public saying, “Let’s transcend our attitudes of being either pro- or anti-Japanese and help the neighboring country.”

The group is planning to hold relief campaigns to help victims of the calamity by establishing contact with students and professors from Japanese language departments at universities including Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Since Friday’s 8.9-magnitude earthquake, hundreds of people have died and many more are missing.

The Community Chest of Korea announced yesterday that it will donate 561 million won ($500,000) to Japan. It said that it plans to cooperate with the Community Chest of Japan and to continue support the country.

Donations are also being collected at online Web sites. Korean Red Cross is collecting donations using online money called “Kong,” which is used in the country’s largest portal site Naver.

It started collecting on Saturday and within a day, 2,791 people had participated and donated up to 6.2 million won ($5,500). One “Kong,” equals to 100 won.

The Salvation Army in Korea has also rolled up its sleeves announcing on Saturday that it will collect online money via its online charity Web site. It will also hold a Red Kettle fund-raising event, which is normally carried out during the Christmas season, in 20 spots around Seoul for two days, Friday and Saturday.

Hallyu, or Korean wave, stars are expressing condolences through their Internet homepages as well as sending donations. Actor and singer Ryu Shi-won, who has many fans in Japan, has donated 10 million yen, and wrote on his homepage: “I’ve held a concert in Niigata Prefecture, which was struck by the earthquake, and I can still remember the faces of Japanese fans. It hurts to hear such news.”

Politicians, too, are offering their condolence. Ahn Sang-soo, president of the ruling Grand National Party wrote a letter to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, saying, “I send great sympathy to all the earthquake victims and their families in Japan and hope the situation settles down as soon as possible.” He promised that the GNP will give its full support if Japan requests relief aid.

Sohn Hak-gyu, chairman of the Democratic Party, also wrote letters to the Japanese prime minister and the governor, saying that “the tragic news also breaks Korean citizens’ hearts.”

By Yim Seung-hye [enational@joongang.co.kr]

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