Allied forces launch air strikes against Qaddafi

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Allied forces launch air strikes against Qaddafi


A doomed warplane plummets toward earth after it was shot down over the outskirts of Benghazi, eastern Libya, Saturday. An object, thought to be the pilot, was seen to eject from the cockpit shortly before impact. [AP /YONHAP]

As military clashes between Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and U.S. and European allies escalates in Libya, Seoul is reviewing a plan to evacuate the remaining 116 Koreans from the northern African country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said yesterday.

“The government is assessing the situation in Libya by closely consulting with the Korean Embassy there,” said a Foreign Ministry official.

The official said the UN-authorized air strikes are aimed at Libyan military facilities, adding that the government will pull out all remaining Koreans from Libya “if necessary.”

The official said the ministry has secured the contact information for all remaining Korean nationals in Libya. There were 68 Koreans in the capital of Tripoli as of yesterday.

Among the 48 Korean nationals staying in areas outside Tripoli, 26 Koreans were staying in Benghazi, the eastern Libyan city serving as headquarters for the rebel forces, while 10 were in Misurata and seven in Sirte, the ministry said. Misurata and Sirte are located between Tripoli and Benghazi.

The official said the Koreans were already informed of where to assemble if the evacuation plan is put in place. The ministry would first use land routes to evacuate Koreans, the official said.

Korea’s anti-piracy destroyer Choi Young, used to evacuate Koreans from Libya amid the growing pro-democracy rally earlier this month, would not be mobilized this time, the official said.

But the ministry is keeping the destroyer near Egypt in case it is needed.

On Saturday, U.S. and European allies hit Libyan coastal areas controlled by Qaddafi forces with missiles - including volley after volley of Tomahawk cruise missiles - to enforce a UN-mandated no-fly zone and to protect antigovernment protesters from being overwhelmed by pro-Qaddafi forces.

By Moon Gwang-lip []

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이 관계자는 "이는 서방 다국적군의 리비아 공습에 따라 상황이 악화하고 있다는 판단에 따른 것"이라며 "최영함은 당분간 이집트 근해에서 우리 국민의 추가 철수 지원을 위해 리비아에 투입될 준비를 하고 있을 것"이라고 설명했다.

그는 또 "최영함 파견은 우리 국민의 안전 확보를 위한 조치로, 현재 진행 중인 서방 주요국의 리비아 공습과는 직접 관련이 없다"며 "오늘 오후 외교통상부 제2차관 주재 정부 대책회의에서 이 같은 방침을 최종 확정했다"고 덧붙였다.

최영함은 앞서 지난 3일 리비아 수도 트리폴리에서 우리 국민 32명을 지중해 몰타로 철수시킨 데 이어 지난 14일에도 리비아 북동부 벵가지항에서 교민 2명과 취재진 3명 등 5명을 태우고 16일 오전 5시께 그리스 크레타섬에 내려줬다.

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