Last year’s best, Vettel keeps getting better

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Last year’s best, Vettel keeps getting better


Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany drives down a straight at the Australian Formula One Grand Prix in Melbourne, Australia, Sunday. [AP/YONHAP]

MELBOURNE, Australia - Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel has started a new era in the Formula One world - one that he will come to dominate. The 23-year-old German became the youngest driver to win the F1 world title last year, but that was just the beginning.

Vettel won the first race of the 2011 Formula One season at the Australian Grand Prix on Sunday, finishing the 191-mile race in 1 hour, 29 minutes, 30.259 second. There are still 18 races left this year but most F1 experts agree that it’s not an exaggeration to say Vettel could secure back-to-back titles. As Vettel himself said, “everything was perfect” in the opening race. And it looks like things should continue that way for Vettel.

Even Michael Schumacher, a seven-time F1 world champion and Vettel’s long-time idol - along with other Michaels, Jordan and Jackson - heaped praise on Vettel last year.

“He is a great driver and he is a fantastic guy, so I am more than happy for him,” Schumacher told the U.K.’s Telegraph newspaper after the F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in November.


Sebastian Vettel

But Vettel was criticized earlier in his career for his lack of reliability on the track. His direct and offensive style of driving can produce high-speeds but it couldn’t deliver delicate maneuvers and subtleness, which often caused him to miss out on the title.

Last year, Vettel captured 10 pole positions, which are given to the top driver in qualifying and allowed him to start those 10 races in front, but he was only able to convert this advantage to Grand Prix wins three times. His aggressive driving frequently caused problems for his car, sometimes putting him out of the race. For example, in last year’s Korean Grand Prix, Vettel’s engine caught fire and he had to pull over and extinguish it himself.

It’s not a surprise that he was criticized for reckless driving and damaging his vehicle because Vettel’s teammate Mark Webber drives the same machine and did not have any major mechanical trouble last season.

But Vettel has made changes for this season, and they were easily noticed in the opening Grand Prix. Vettel showed off his trademark speed, of course, but balanced that with solid tire and engine management.

What’s more surprising is that the race on Sunday was not Vettel’s best. The German did not even use his Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS), a recently adopted system of regenerative breaking that stores power for acceleration later. This means Vettel forwent at least 80 extra horsepower and lugged around the KERS throughout the race. Without using the new system, Vettel was able to finish 22.297 seconds ahead of McLaren’s runner-up Lewis Hamilton.

After the race, Vettel said he learned a lot and will continue to grow. He also said he will use the KERS system at the Malaysian Grand Prix on April 10, which means F1 fans can look forward to seeing more speed from Vettel.

The F1 season is usually filled with variables that can cause problems for drivers but all signs point to Vettel winning more than the five races he did last year.

The main question for F1 fans this year won’t be “Who will win the world title?” Instead, fans may have to wonder “Will anyone challenge Vettel for it?”

By Kim Woo-cheol []

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페텔은 그동안 기복이 심했다. 선 굵은 공격적인 운전으로 최고의 스피드를 자랑하고도 세밀함과 섬세함이 부족해 번번이 정상 문턱에서 돌아섰다. 페텔은 지난해 10차례나 폴 포지션(예선 1위로 결선 맨 앞에서 출발하는 것)을 잡았으나 그 중 세 번밖에 우승하지 못했다. 브레이크와 가속 페달을 힘 있게 밟는 그의 운전에 머신은 자주 부서졌고, 종종 서기도 했다. 지난해 한국 그랑프리에선 엔진이 타 버렸다. 그런 페텔을 두고 “머신이 견뎌내지 못한다”는 비판이 쏟아졌다. 페텔과 똑같은 머신을 타는 동료 마크 웨버는 한 차례도 고장을 일으키지 않아 그 주장은 설득력이 있었다.

베텔은 쓰라린 경험을 통해 한 단계 도약했다. 이날 그는 스피드는 물론, 단점으로 지적된 타이어와 엔진 관리 능력도 나무랄 데가 없었다. 2009년 월드챔피언 젠슨 버튼(맥라렌)이 타이어를 막 바꾼 그에게 쉽게 앞자리를 내줬고, 베텔에게 추월당한 드라이버는 한 손에 꼽지 못할 만큼 많았다. 스피드에 운영 능력이 어우러진 눈부신 질주였다. 예선 2위였던 해밀턴은 “2위가 최고의 결과”라고 기뻐했다. 페텔을 따라잡기가 불가능해 자리를 지킨 것만으로 기쁘다는 뜻이었다.

더욱 놀라운 건 페텔이 온 힘을 다한 게 아니라는 사실이다. 이날 그는 올 시즌 다시 도입된 에너지 재생 장치(KERS)를 장착만 하고 사용하진 않았다. 이것은 엄청난 손해다. 한 바퀴당 80마력 이상의 부가적인 출력을 포기하는 것인데다 KERS의 무게 만큼 속도가 느려지기 때문이다. 그런데도 2위 해밀턴과 무려 22초297의 격차를 냈다. 페텔은 “배울 것이 많은 레이스였다. 이 경기를 바탕으로 더욱 성장하겠다”며 “2라운드 말레이시아 대회부터 KERS를 사용하겠다”고 말했다. 그렇게 되면 지금보다 더 빨라질 것이 분명하다.

F1은 어떤 변수가 언제 터질 지 모른다. 하지만 지난해 5승을 거둔 페텔이 올해 더 많은 우승 트로피를 들 가능성은 무척 높아 보인다. 가장 빠른 머신을 진화하는 챔피언 드라이버가 몰고 있기 때문이다. 올해 최대 관심사는 누가 월드챔피언이 될 것이냐가 아니라 페텔이 몇 번째 대회에서 월드챔피언을 확정짓느냐가 될지 모른다.
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