Suicide scandal rocks prosecutors

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Suicide scandal rocks prosecutors

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office launched an investigation yesterday after a senior official from the city government of Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang, hanged himself Sunday or Monday and left a 20-page suicide note saying he was beaten by prosecutors and investigators while being questioned about corruption allegations.

“When I didn’t give the answer the investigators wanted to hear, I was slapped in the face three times,” the note by the official, surnamed Kim, read, according to his family members. “I was also punched in the chest.”

The 54-year old official had been under special investigation by the Daegu District Public Prosecutors’ Office since January on suspicions of being involved in corrupt promotion practices in the Gyeongsan city government.

According to Daegu prosecutors, two prosecutors and one investigator questioned Kim in two locations and on four occasions, the last of which was on Friday. Kim wrote that he was beaten in room 1403 of the Daegu Prosecutors’ Office headquarters.

At around 10:40 a.m. Monday, Kim was found by one of his colleagues hanging in a Gyeongsan-area sports stadium boiler room, after his suicide note was found on his office desk.

It was entitled “A note for Gyeongsan citizens.” City officials held an event in the stadium Sunday, and police assume Kim stayed behind afterward.

“The prosecutors threatened me, saying, ‘If you don’t tell us the truth, we will sentence you to more than 10 years in prison,” the note read, according to Kim’s family. “But the prosecutors didn’t trust what I said and only believed what other people said.”

Police confiscated Kim’s suicide note, but his family demanded it be returned. The family held a press conference Tuesday and released the note to the press.

The Daegu District Public Prosecutors’ Office questioned the prosecutors and investigators who investigated Kim, but all denied beating him.

At a press conference Monday afternoon, a day before the family released the note to the press, the Daegu District Public Prosecutors’ Office said, “It is true the note said Kim suffered from abuses like insults, but he didn’t mention anything about beatings.”

A senior prosecutor who participated in the questioning of Kim Friday said, “The investigation was conducted in a free atmosphere for three hours and was attended by female officers.”

The questioning was not videotaped. “Prosecutors usually videotape only when a suspect confesses a crucial fact that could overturn a previous ruling in a lower court,” the Daegu District Public Prosecutors’ Office said.

By Hong Gweon-sam, Kim Hee-jin []

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지난 5일 대구지검에 급파된 감찰팀은 이날 대구고검에 사무실을 설치하고 김씨 사건을 담당한 대구지검 특수부 최모 검사와 수사관 2명을 불러 진상을 조사했다. 최검사 등은 인사 청탁과 함께 자동차를 받은 혐의로 김씨를 모두 4차례 조사했었다.

대구지검 관계자는 “김씨가 가혹행위가 있었다고 주장한 지난 1일 조사 때는 오전 10시부터 오후 3시까지 혐의를 부인하는 내용의 ‘부인조서’만 받았기 때문에 가혹행위를 할 상황이 아니었다는 게 담당 검사의 해명”이라고 전했다.

김준규 검찰총장은 이날 대검 감찰팀의 보고를 받고 “엄정하게 처리하라”고 거듭 지시한 것으로 알려졌다. 이번 사건을 엄정하게 처리하지 않으면 여론의 비판이 거세질 것을 우려해서다. 검찰은 최근 악재가 겹쳤다. 지난 2일 전국 검사장 워크숍에서는 소설 ‘칼의 노래’ 작가 김훈씨가 “검찰은 공포와 혐오의 대상”이라고 지적했다. 김 총장은 당일 검사장급 이상 간부 45명에게 200만~300만원씩의 업무활동비를 지급한 사실도 드러났다. 법무부와 대검 고위 간부들도 자칫 대구지검의 강압수사 논란을 잘못 처리할 경우 국회의 검찰 개혁안에 힘을 실어주는 빌미가 될 수도 있다고 우려하는 분위기다. 또 임기를 4개월여 남겨놓은 김 총장이 남은 기간 검찰 조직을 지휘하는 데도 부담이 될 수 있다고 보고 있다.

검찰 조직에는 2002년 발생한 피의자 구타 사망 사건의 ‘트라우마’가 있다. 당시 서울지검 강력부에서 수사를 받던 조폭 피의자가 수사관들의 구타로 사망했다. 그 일로 당시 검사는 구속됐고 검찰총장은 물러났다. 이 때문에 검찰은 이번 사건의 불똥이 어디로 튈지 몰라 여론의 추이를 살피고 있다.

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