Thousands evacuated after high-rise shakes
Published: 05 Jul. 2011, 23:09
The reason for the tremor is still not known.
Immediately after the upper part of the 39-story structure (above the 20th floor) began to shake, some 500 people left the building.
The Korea Meteorological Administration said no earthquake was detected near the building and people in nearby buildings and apartments didn’t report any movement.
Authorities ordered a three-day evacuation so safety checks can be done. A Gwangjin District official said the evacuation order could be extended if necessary.
“The building trembled so much that I felt dizzy,” said Lim Jun-hui, 36, a worker on the 20th floor.
One resident said: “It wasn’t that light a tremor. All the stuff on my desk fell down. I’m scared that the building could collapse just like the Sampoong Department Store, [which collapsed in 1995, killing 501 people].”
Located near Gangbyeon Station, the 189-meter (620-foot) building consists of a shopping center and multiplex that occupies the first to 12th floor, and offices and residences above that. About 50,000 people visit the building every day, authorities estimate.
Since the building opened in 1998, the Gwangjin District Office has conducted safety inspections every six months.
Authorities did not find any safety problems in the building during the last inspection in March.
“There’s not one tremor detector in this high-rise building,” a fire department official told the JoongAng Ilbo yesterday.
Experts raised various possible reasons for the tremor.
Lee Han-seon, a professor at Korea University, said recent heavy rain could have been a factor.
“I assume that the recent torrential rain eroded the land supporting the building, located near the Han River,” Lee said.
An ever simpler possibility was raised.
“A sudden blast of wind could have slapped the upper part of the building,” said Sin Yeong-su, a professor at Ewha Womans University.
Han Sang-hwan, a professor at Hanyang University, said additions to the building could have weighed down the structure.
“Maybe, as more and more facilities get equipped in the building, such as a swimming pool or rooftop garden, their weights exceed the maximum allowed weight designed on the blueprint and could have been a burden to the building, causing the tremor.”
By Kim Hee-jin, Lee Ji-sang []
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건물 밖으로 대피한 입주자들과 건물을 관리하는 프라임산업 사이엔 실랑이가 벌어지기도 했다. 프라임산업 측이 “예민한 사람 몇 명이 진동을 느낀 건데 다들 동요한 것”이라고 말하는 것을 입주자 몇 명이 듣고 “17층부터 38층 입주자까지 흔들림을 느꼈는데 그게 말이 되느냐”며 반발했다.
프라임산업 측은 건물의 안전을 보장한다는 입장을 밝혔다. 박흥수 프라임산업 대표는 이날 오후 브리핑을 통해 “이 건물은 철골구조에 진도 7.0 이상의 내진 설계가 돼 있어 붕괴될 확률은 100만분의 1도 안 된다”며 “(퇴거 명령 기간인) 3일이 지나기 이전에 안전 진단을 끝내 상인들과 입주자들이 최대한 빨리 현업에 복귀하도록 하겠다”고 말했다.
프라임산업 측은 건물 진동이 3D 영화 때문이란 추측을 내놓기도 했다. 판매동 11층에 있는 CGV영화관에서 3D 영화(트랜스포머)를 상영할 때 진동이 위로 전달될 수도 있다는 것이다. 의자가 흔들리고 몸이 휘청거렸다는 증언들에 대해서는 “과장된 얘기”라고 일축했다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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