Top designer joins JoongAng Media

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Top designer joins JoongAng Media


Oh Joon

Designer Oh Joon has joined the JoongAng Media Network. As the new chief brand and design officer, the 47-year-old will oversee the design of the print layout of the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper as well as brand identity throughout the JoongAng Media Network.

Assuming the position, Oh said that he envisions his responsibilities to stretch from “paper to digital display.” The JoongAng Media Network, whose media affiliates include the JoongAng Ilbo, broadcaster JTBC as well as the Korea JoongAng Daily, is considered a media conglomerate quickly adapting to the changing media environment in Korea. “I hope to contribute to making the JoongAng Ilbo an ‘intellectual brand’ that can represent Asia both in print and digital media,” he said.

Oh is one of the most renowned designers in Korea. He began his career as a furniture designer in Paris in 1997. Oh also worked for major conglomerates in Korea such as Hyundai Card and AmorePacific, where he managed brand design. Both companies are known to have boosted their corporate image through design-oriented management. With this experience, Oh has emerged as one of the most sought-after and innovative figures in Korea’s design scene.


[중앙일보 브랜드&디자인총괄에 디자이너 오준식 “아시아 대표 지식브랜드 중앙일보 만들 것”]

현대카드와 아모레퍼시픽의 디자인을 총괄했던 디자이너 오준식(47·사진)씨가 중앙일보의 브랜드&디자인총괄 겸 멀티미디어담당으로 영입됐다.

오 총괄은 중앙일보 지면과 디지털 콘텐트의 디자인을 책임지고, 중앙미디어그룹의 브랜드 정체성을 확고히 세우는 역할을 맡게 된다.

그는 “‘from paper to display(종이에서 디지털까지)’를 추구한다”며 “종이신문과 디지털을 아우르며 중앙일보가 아시아를 대표하는 ‘지식브랜드’가 되는 데 일조하겠다”고 말했다. 1997년 파리에서 가구 디자이너로 활동을 시작한 오 총괄은 현대카드, 아모레퍼시픽 등에서 디자인경영을 주도하며 국내 디자인계의 ‘혁신 아이콘’으로 자리 잡았다.

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