One hand clapping (KOR)
Published: 05 Dec. 2019, 19:19
Concerns about an exodus from Korea are deepening as foreign investors sell Korean stocks at an alarming pace. They have been net selling Korean shares every single trading day since Nov. 7. The amount of the accumulated net selling has already exceeded 5 trillion won ($4.2 billion). As a result, the Korean stock market is critically wounded as seen in the 4 percent drop in the Kospi since the stampede began last month. Foreign investors are even selling Korea’s government bond futures, sending signals that our national bonds will lose their value.
Foreign investors’ rush to sell Korean stocks and bonds reflects their worries about the future of our economy. It remains to be seen if the economy can show even 2 percent growth this year. The economy is expected to grow barely over 2 percent in 2020 too. That’s our lowest growth since 1954, a year after the end of the Korean War. The Financial Times called it the worst performance of the Korean economy in half a century.
Such a lethargic state is partly the result of external factors like a protracted trade war between China and the United States and low prices for semiconductors, our mainstay export item. But the crisis was triggered by repeated policy failures of the Moon Jae-in administration. Its insistence on so-called income-led growth has brought about disaster. Last year alone, 42,400 full-time jobs at convenience stores across the nation disappeared due to the government’s relentless pushing of minimum wage hikes. The liberal administration’s pro-labor and anti-corporate policies helped dampen investments by companies. Facilities investment has been declining for 12 consecutive months. Korea Inc. is collapsing.
A critical loss of jobs led to a considerable reduction in household incomes and consumption. As prices do not rise due to sluggish demand, the specter of deflation is looming. The economy may achieve a meager 2 percent growth rate this year — that thanks to the government’s massive spending of taxpayers’ money. The fear of so-called Japanification — a long and excruciating recession — is rapidly spreading due to the government’s mindless experiments on our otherwise resilient economy.
In such dire circumstances, the government is still engrossed in patting itself on the back. The presidential Special Committee on Income-led Growth staged an international conference Wednesday to show off the outcome of the government’s income-led growth policy, which has actually backfired. On the same day, Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Hong Nam-ki was busy bragging about the accomplishments, albeit minimal, of the government’s innovative growth strategy. Would foreign investors rush to sell Korean stocks if our economy really achieved reliable growth?
The government’s endless self-praise reflects nothing but obstinacy — a refusal to abandon obviously bad policies. If it does not change course, the economy will not rebound. And yet the government is steadfast even in the face of foreign capital flight. It has chutzpah — but we are paying the price.
JoongAng Ilbo, Dec. 6, Page 34‘셀 코리아’ 행진 … 한국 주식 팔아치우는 이유가 있다
한국으로부터의 엑소더스인가. 외국인 투자자 동향이 심상치 않다. 연일 한국 주식을 팔아치우고 있다. 지난달 7일부터 어제까지 거의 한 달 동안 하루도 빼지 않고 한국 주식을 내다 팔았다. 누적 순매도액이 5조원을 넘는다. 그 여파로 주식시장은 맥을 못 추고 있다. 지난달 ‘셀(sell) 코리아(한국 주식 매각)’ 행진이 시작된 뒤 코스피지수는 4% 하락했다. 이달 들어서는 외국인들이 한국 국채 선물마저 팔기에 여념이 없다. 국채 값도 내려갈 것으로 본다는 소리다.
외국인이 한국 주식ㆍ채권을 팔아치운다는 것은 우리 경제가 그만큼 녹록지 않다는 방증이다. 올해는 2% 성장이 가물가물하다. 내년에도 잘해야 2% 초반대로 전망된다. 성장률 통계가 처음 나온 1954년 이후 유례없는 2년 연속 저성장이다. 영국 파이낸셜 타임스조차 “50여 년 사이 최악”이라고 보도했을 정도다.
한국 경제가 허덕이는 데는 미ㆍ중 무역전쟁과 반도체 가격 약세 같은 외생 변수도 작용했다. 그러나 그게 전부가 아니다. 정책 실패를 제쳐놓을 수 없다. “족보에 있다”는 소득주도성장은 고용 참사를 불렀다. 한국편의점산업협회에 따르면 작년 한 해에만 전국 편의점에서 풀타임 일자리가 무려 4만2400개 줄었다. 친노조ㆍ반기업 일변도 정책은 기업의 투자 의욕을 꺾었다. 설비투자는 1년째 감소 일로다. 미래를 준비하려는 기업들의 몸부림은 촘촘하기 그지없는 올가미 규제 앞에 스러졌다.
그 결과 일자리는 줄었고 가계 소득과 소비는 타격을 받았다. 수요 부진으로 물가는 오르지 않고 있다. 불길한 디플레이션의 그림자가 어른거린다. 올해 2%가 될까 말까 한 성장률조차 정부가 세금을 쏟아부어 겨우 끌어올린 것이다. 한국 경제가 일본처럼 장기 침체에 빠지리라는 ‘J(재패니파이케이션ㆍJapanification)의 공포’마저 슬금슬금 번지고 있다. 문재인 정부의 'J노믹스'가 부른 'J의 공포'다.
사정이 이런데도 정부는 자화자찬에 여념이 없다. 대통령 직속 정책기획위원회 산하 소득주도성장특별위원회는 그제 ‘소득주도성장 국제 콘퍼런스’를 개최했다. 부작용투성이인 소득주도성장을 옹호하는 발표 위주였다고 한다. 같은 날 홍남기 경제부총리가 주재한 ‘혁신성장 전략회의’ 안건 자료 역시 성과에 대한 자랑 일색이었다. 규제에 막혀 혁신의 꿈을 접은 기업들로서는 기가 찰 노릇이다. 이 정부 생각처럼 혁신성장이 성과를 거뒀다면, 외국인이 한국 주식을 이렇게 심하게 팔아치울 리 없다.
정부의 자화자찬은 실패에 눈 질끈 감고 가던 길을 가겠다는 외고집의 발로다. 정책 기조를 바꿔야 경제가 살아날 텐데 미래가 보이지 않는다. 외국인의 대규모 엑소더스조차 이 정부에는 아무런 자극이 되지 못하고 있다. 대체 어떤 상황에 맞닥뜨려야 경제 정책의 방향을 틀 것인가. 그저 암울할 따름이다.
Foreign investors’ rush to sell Korean stocks and bonds reflects their worries about the future of our economy. It remains to be seen if the economy can show even 2 percent growth this year. The economy is expected to grow barely over 2 percent in 2020 too. That’s our lowest growth since 1954, a year after the end of the Korean War. The Financial Times called it the worst performance of the Korean economy in half a century.
Such a lethargic state is partly the result of external factors like a protracted trade war between China and the United States and low prices for semiconductors, our mainstay export item. But the crisis was triggered by repeated policy failures of the Moon Jae-in administration. Its insistence on so-called income-led growth has brought about disaster. Last year alone, 42,400 full-time jobs at convenience stores across the nation disappeared due to the government’s relentless pushing of minimum wage hikes. The liberal administration’s pro-labor and anti-corporate policies helped dampen investments by companies. Facilities investment has been declining for 12 consecutive months. Korea Inc. is collapsing.
A critical loss of jobs led to a considerable reduction in household incomes and consumption. As prices do not rise due to sluggish demand, the specter of deflation is looming. The economy may achieve a meager 2 percent growth rate this year — that thanks to the government’s massive spending of taxpayers’ money. The fear of so-called Japanification — a long and excruciating recession — is rapidly spreading due to the government’s mindless experiments on our otherwise resilient economy.
In such dire circumstances, the government is still engrossed in patting itself on the back. The presidential Special Committee on Income-led Growth staged an international conference Wednesday to show off the outcome of the government’s income-led growth policy, which has actually backfired. On the same day, Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Hong Nam-ki was busy bragging about the accomplishments, albeit minimal, of the government’s innovative growth strategy. Would foreign investors rush to sell Korean stocks if our economy really achieved reliable growth?
The government’s endless self-praise reflects nothing but obstinacy — a refusal to abandon obviously bad policies. If it does not change course, the economy will not rebound. And yet the government is steadfast even in the face of foreign capital flight. It has chutzpah — but we are paying the price.
JoongAng Ilbo, Dec. 6, Page 34‘셀 코리아’
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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