Learning about LPs

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Learning about LPs

Models pose with LPs and their mobile devices to explain how to view the exhibition online. Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and organized by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation, the exhibition illustrates the history of LP in Korea, and how it grew to have artistic value beyond an analog sound storage medium. [ILGAN SPORTS]

Models pose with LPs and their mobile devices to explain how to view the exhibition online. Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and organized by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation, the exhibition illustrates the history of LP in Korea, and how it grew to have artistic value beyond an analog sound storage medium. [ILGAN SPORTS]

A press event for the exhibition "Record 284" was held at the Culture Station Seoul 284 in central Seoul on Tuesday. Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and organized by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation, the exhibition illustrates the history of LP in Korea, and how it grew to have artistic value beyond an analog sound storage medium. The exhibition will run until Dec. 31 at the Culture Station Seoul 284 in the old Seoul Station. [ILGAN SPORTS]
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