Offline fan meetings head back online after surge of Covid cases

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Offline fan meetings head back online after surge of Covid cases

The poster for boy band Seventeen's offline fan meeting, ″Seventeen in Carat Land,″ [ILGAN SPORTS]

The poster for boy band Seventeen's offline fan meeting, ″Seventeen in Carat Land,″ [ILGAN SPORTS]

Offline fan meetings are being shifted online due to a surge in the number of Covid-19 cases. 
Pledis Entertainment, Seventeen’s agency, announced on the boy band's fan community platform Weverse that its offline fan meet, “Seventeen in Carat Land,” has been moved online. The offline event was originally scheduled for Aug. 6 to Aug. 8 in Jamsil Arena, southern Seoul.
“The offline event is canceled in compliance with the government’s social distancing rules,” said the agency. “The decision was made to create a safer environment for the event, and for the safety of the fans.”

The poster for girl group Brave Girls' offline fan meeting ″Summer Queen Party″ [ILGAN SPORTS]

The poster for girl group Brave Girls' offline fan meeting ″Summer Queen Party″ [ILGAN SPORTS]

Girl group Brave Girls also changed its offline fan meeting, “Summer Queen Party,” to an online streaming event, which will be on July 25.
According to its agency Brave Entertainment, fans will be able to meet with the group online, or through a live broadcast at the multiplex CGV, nationwide.
“Offline tickets that were purchased in advance will be refunded,” said the agency.

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