[WORD_ON_THE_WEB] 'Don’t try to avoid taking responsibility'

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[WORD_ON_THE_WEB] 'Don’t try to avoid taking responsibility'

Noh Jeong-hee, chief of the National Election Commission (NEC), expressed her intention to resign over the mismanagement of early voting during the presidential election. 
The election was plagued with multiple issue. Votes were left unattended in delivery boxes, moved around in open baskets and some voters even claimed they had received voting slips that had already been filled in.

There was heightened criticism as it was revealed that Noh was not in the office on the day that early voting took place.

“I feel deep remorse for the management failures of the early voting for Covid patients in the last presidential election,” Noh said. 
She then asked for cooperation to ensure the local elections in June are carried out without any issues.
“Vow to cooperate for a thorough investigation before resigning. Don’t try to avoid taking responsibility.”
“The investigation is in order. There is too much suspicion. Come on, this is a democratic country!”
“Although it’s a bit late, her reassignment is the right decision to make.”
“I think it’s positive that she took responsibility and is now resigning."
“Noh is delusional. She’s not leaving because she did something good, she’s resigning because she did bad. She is in no position to ask something of the people.”
“National cooperation? Unbelievable. Everyone except you cooperated!”

BY LEE SI-YEOUNG, YOO JI-WOO [yoo.jiwoo@joongang.co.kr]
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